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EOLO TR Flame Resistant Ducting

A flexible duct made in flame resistant PVC coated polyester fabric and reinforced by steel helix welded between the two layers. Axial compressibility: 8:1. Used in civil and naval conditioning plants, ventilation systems, suction of fumes, vapours, powders, gas. Flame retardant V(TM)-0 according to UL 94 and M2 grade according to NFP 92 503.

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Product Specifications

Product Code Size Diameter ID Diameter OD Working Pressure Burst Pressure Weight Roll Length Pack Quantity Bend Radius Weight (kg/each)
J13-125 5" 127 137.2 0.38 10 64
J13-050 2" 51 58.2 0.12 10 26
J13-230 9" 228 242 0.64 10 114
J13-075 3" 76 83.6 0.18 10 38
J13-180 7" 180 192 0.5 10 90
J13-140 5 1/2" 140 150.4 0.4 10 70
J13-100 4" 102 111.4 0.28 10 51
J13-040 1 1/2" 38 46 0.1 10 20
J13-200 8" 203 216.6 0.57 10 102
J13-150 6" 152 162.6 0.41 10 76
J13-090 3 1/2" 90 99 0.22 10 45
J13-060 2.38 63 67.2 0.14 10 30
J13-114 4 1/2" 114 124.2 0.34 10 58
J13-350 14" 356 370.4 1.11 10 138
J13-300 12" 305 319.4 0.96 10 153
J13-400 16" 406 420.4 1.27 10 165
J13-160 6 1/2" 160 170.6 0.45 10 80
J13-250 10" 254 268 0.8 10 127

Product Features

Label Name Value
Name name EOLO TR Flame Resistant Ducting
Image URL image_url
Description description A flexible duct made in flame resistant PVC coated polyester fabric and reinforced by steel helix welded between the two layers. Axial compressibility: 8:1. Used in civil and naval conditioning plants, ventilation systems, suction of fumes, vapours, powders, gas. Flame retardant V(TM)-0 according to UL 94 and M2 grade according to NFP 92 503.
Max Quantity quantity
Product Feature 1 product_feature_1
Product Feature 2 product_feature_2
Product Feature 3 product_feature_3
Price Aud price_aud
Product Id product_id 17709421743
Show on website show_on_website {id=1, name='yes', order=0, label='Yes'}
Product Type product_type {id=4, name='Composite & Ducting', order=2, label='Composite & Ducting'}
Product Brand product_brand
Product Industry product_industry {id=7, name='Industrial', order=0, label='Industrial'}
Meta Description meta_description
Parent Product ID parent_product_id 116681
Product Type Subcategories product_type_subcategories {id=34, name='Flexible Ducting', order=33, label='Flexible Ducting'}

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