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W5 All High Grade Stainless Wormdrive Clamp

The W5 all high grade stainless steel wormdrive general purpose hose clamps are ideal for hose sealing and use in many different applications with a high mechanical load. With its tensile strength, high fracture torque and even tension force distribution, it sets the standard for modern hose clamps. Band, Screw & Housing: High Grade Stainless Steel throughout (1.4401/AISI 316)

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Product Specifications

Product Code Size Diameter ID Diameter OD Working Pressure Burst Pressure Weight Roll Length Pack Quantity Bend Radius Weight (kg/each)
W5070-090/12 70-90mm Oct-25
W5025-040/12 25-40mm Oct-50
W5016-027/12 16-27mm Oct-50
W5120-140/12 120-140mm 5-100
W5260-280/12 260-280mm 50
W5040-060/12 40-60mm Oct-25
W5035-050/12 35-50mm Oct-50
W5020-032/12 20-32mm Oct-50
W5130-150/12 130-150mm 5-100
W5090-110/12 90-110mm Oct-25
W5110-130/12 110-130mm 5-100
W5080-100/12 80-100mm Oct-25
W5030-045/12 30-45mm Oct-50
W5150-170/12 150-170mm 5-100
W5060-080/12 60-80mm Oct-25
W5100-120/12 100-120mm 5-100
W5012-020/9 12-20mm 10-100
W5008-016/9 8-16mm 10-100
W5280-300/12 280-300mm 50
W5050-070/12 50-70mm Oct-25
W5160-180/12 160-180mm 5-100
W5140-160/12 140-160mm 5-100

Product Features

Label Name Value
Name name W5 All High Grade Stainless Wormdrive Clamp
Image URL image_url
Description description The W5 all high grade stainless steel wormdrive general purpose hose clamps are ideal for hose sealing and use in many different applications with a high mechanical load. With its tensile strength, high fracture torque and even tension force distribution, it sets the standard for modern hose clamps. Band, Screw & Housing: High Grade Stainless Steel throughout (1.4401/AISI 316)
Max Quantity quantity
Product Feature 1 product_feature_1
Product Feature 2 product_feature_2
Product Feature 3 product_feature_3
Price Aud price_aud
Product Id product_id 17694881875
Show on website show_on_website {id=1, name='yes', order=0, label='Yes'}
Product Type product_type {id=3, name='Clamps', order=3, label='Clamps'}
Product Brand product_brand
Product Industry product_industry {id=3, name='Marine & RV', order=2, label='Marine & RV'}
Meta Description meta_description
Parent Product ID parent_product_id 120951
Product Type Subcategories product_type_subcategories {id=36, name='Wormdrive Clamp', order=35, label='Wormdrive Clamp'}

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