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W1 Mild Steel Super Clamp

The Super Clamp or T-Bolt Clamp is a heavy duty hose clamp designed primarily for use in applications where hose clamps must meet stringent requirements. In particular if suction and pressure hoses (complete with plastic or steel inserts and high shore hardness values) are to be connected and attached.

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Product Specifications

Product Code Size Diameter ID Diameter OD Working Pressure Burst Pressure Weight Roll Length Pack Quantity Bend Radius Weight (kg/each)
GBSW1-187 174-187mm 5
GBSW1-025 23-25mm 10
GBSW1-034 34-37mm 10
GBSW1-019 17-19mm 10
GBSW1-085 79-85mm 10
GBSW1-021 19-21mm 10
GBSW1-091 85-91mm 10
GBSW1-162 150-162mm 5
GBSW1-043 40-43mm 10
GBSW1-200 187-200mm 5
GBSW1-040 37-40mm 10
GBSW1-213 200-213mm 5
GBSW1-252 239-252mm 5
GBSW1-051 47-51mm 10
GBSW1-023 21-23mm 10
GBSW1-150 140-150mm 5
GBSW1-239 226-239mm 5
GBSW1-174 162-174mm 5
GBSW1-055 51-55mm 10
GBSW1-063 59-63mm 10
GBSW1-097 91-97mm 10
GBSW1-031 29-31mm 10
GBSW1-112 104-112mm 10
GBSW1-073 68-73mm 10
GBSW1-068 63-68mm 10
GBSW1-104 97-104mm 10
GBSW1-079 73-79mm 10
GBSW1-140 130-140mm 5
GBSW1-029 27-29mm 10
GBSW1-047 43-47mm 10
GBSW1-121 112-121mm 10
GBSW1-226 213-226mm 5
GBSW1-130 121-130mm 10
GBSW1-059 55-59mm 10
GBSW1-027 25-27mm 10

Product Features

Label Name Value
Name name W1 Mild Steel Super Clamp
Image URL image_url
Description description The Super Clamp or T-Bolt Clamp is a heavy duty hose clamp designed primarily for use in applications where hose clamps must meet stringent requirements. In particular if suction and pressure hoses (complete with plastic or steel inserts and high shore hardness values) are to be connected and attached.
Max Quantity quantity
Product Feature 1 product_feature_1
Product Feature 2 product_feature_2
Product Feature 3 product_feature_3
Price Aud price_aud
Product Id product_id 17697796391
Show on website show_on_website {id=1, name='yes', order=0, label='Yes'}
Product Type product_type {id=3, name='Clamps', order=3, label='Clamps'}
Product Brand product_brand
Product Industry product_industry {id=7, name='Industrial', order=0, label='Industrial'}
Meta Description meta_description
Parent Product ID parent_product_id 121261
Product Type Subcategories product_type_subcategories {id=37, name='Super Clamps', order=36, label='Super Clamps'}

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