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Mineflex Ducting

Mineflex is constructed with Minemaster fabric and a wire spiral helix which provides flexibility and avoids kinking. The joining mechanism is the skirt connecting method consisting of eyelets and a skirt enabling connection with Mineflat.

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Product Specifications

Product Code Size Diameter ID Diameter OD Working Pressure Burst Pressure Weight Roll Length Pack Quantity Bend Radius Weight (kg/each)
MIN500 20" 508 10
MIN1000 42" 1067 10
MIN350 14" 355 10
MIN800 32" 810 10
MIN300 12" 300 10
MIN1400 55" 1400 10
MIN900 36" 910 10
MIN600 24" 610 10
MIN400 16" 406 10
MIN1200 48" 1220 10
MIN457 18" 457 10
MIN700 28" 710 10
MIN760 30 762 10

Product Features

Label Name Value
Name name Mineflex Ducting
Image URL image_url
Description description Mineflex is constructed with Minemaster fabric and a wire spiral helix which provides flexibility and avoids kinking. The joining mechanism is the skirt connecting method consisting of eyelets and a skirt enabling connection with Mineflat.
Max Quantity quantity
Product Feature 1 product_feature_1
Product Feature 2 product_feature_2
Product Feature 3 product_feature_3
Price Aud price_aud
Product Id product_id 17716732575
Show on website show_on_website {id=1, name='yes', order=0, label='Yes'}
Product Type product_type {id=4, name='Composite & Ducting', order=2, label='Composite & Ducting'}
Product Brand product_brand
Product Industry product_industry
Meta Description meta_description
Parent Product ID parent_product_id 118991
Product Type Subcategories product_type_subcategories {id=34, name='Flexible Ducting', order=33, label='Flexible Ducting'}

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