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Food, Milk & Beverage Suction/Delivery Hose

Special food suction and delivery hose designed for fatty foods such as milk, edible oil and dairy products. Also suitable for beer and potable water either in-plant or tank truck service. Blue synthetic oil and weather resistant rubber cover and a white smooth NBR food quality rubber liner, incorporating high strenth synthetic cord and steel wire helix reinforcing. Temperature range from -30C to +100C

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Product Specifications

Product Code Size Diameter ID Diameter OD Working Pressure Burst Pressure Weight Roll Length Pack Quantity Bend Radius Weight (kg/each)
D610-025 25.4 38 150 450 0.95 20 | 60
D610-038 38.1 52 150 450 1.5 20 | 60
D610-075 76.2 93 150 450 3.61 20 | 60
D610-063 63.5 80 150 450 2.58 20 | 60
D610-019 19.1 32 150 450 0.9 20 | 60
D610-032 31.8 46 150 450 1.35 20 | 60
D610-050 50.8 66 150 450 1.91 20 | 60
D610-100 101.6 120 150 450 4.98 20 | 60

Product Features

Label Name Value
Name name Food, Milk & Beverage Suction/Delivery Hose
Image URL image_url
Description description Special food suction and delivery hose designed for fatty foods such as milk, edible oil and dairy products. Also suitable for beer and potable water either in-plant or tank truck service. Blue synthetic oil and weather resistant rubber cover and a white smooth NBR food quality rubber liner, incorporating high strenth synthetic cord and steel wire helix reinforcing. Temperature range from -30C to +100C
Max Quantity quantity
Product Feature 1 product_feature_1
Product Feature 2 product_feature_2
Product Feature 3 product_feature_3
Price Aud price_aud
Product Id product_id 17707256248
Show on website show_on_website {id=1, name='yes', order=0, label='Yes'}
Product Type product_type {id=2, name='Rubber Hose', order=1, label='Rubber Hose'}
Product Brand product_brand {id=6, name='Maxflo', order=5, label='Maxflo'}
Product Industry product_industry
Meta Description meta_description
Parent Product ID parent_product_id 124671
Product Type Subcategories product_type_subcategories {id=42, name='Food & Beverage', order=41, label='Food & Beverage'}

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